And I found this...
Picasso always did like the funny pages...
The staff has been very kind at the UC Davis campus, and its been nice to meet everyone. I've even sold a few mini comics! (Usually the posters and prints do better than the minis) It's been seriously windy but my signage has been holding out well. UC Davis has been so kind as to provide an actual living cashier complete with cash register in exchange for their small percentage of the profits! All the cashiers (3 shifts worth) have been very friendly.
I'm 3 pages shy of my new 13 page wordless strip, and since I won't be getting much done this week, it might be a little while till you see it here. I've been putting everything I've got into this one, and have been slowly eking it out at the rate of about a page a week. I don't think I've ever worked so hard on a funnybook story before.