
Monday, July 16, 2012

Another Pirate Kid

Another pirate kid sketch. This one without much bother to erase the construction lines, so its a bit messy.


  1. Nice to see the construction lines to see how you work. thanks for sharing

  2. Thanks Marlene--my construction is usually a bit messy--I always marvel at those people who are able to construct their figures out of simple cylinders and still get so much animation in them, but I've never found that to work for me. And of course I put the clothes on last!

  3. Very nice! I like work a bit messy, not keen on overly polished. I think it adds character.

  4. Well, I hope you won't be too disappointed when it gets cleaned up in the finish! Though I would like to do a book some day that was all done straight in ink that isn't quite so clean as my usual work. Thanks Olivia!
